Unfortunately, there are no precautions you can take to evade Love. Some "experts" on the subject (and God knows we have too many of them) are of the opinion that keeping your heart cold and unresponsive might help. This, i'm sorry to say will, at best, only delay the onslaught, not deliver you from the inevitable. Others will suggest assuming an "i'm too cool for Love" attitude. This approach again, has its limitations. Subjects using this approach have been known to grow so obsessed with being "too cool" in the face of love, that they inadvertently buckle under pressure in that split second of "uncool" carelessness. And this fact I can vouch for through personal experience. And then there are those few who will suggest something that I personally find almost comical. This clueless group will convince you to apply the "chicken-pox theory" to Love. As in, " Like chicken-pox, Love can happen only once in your life-time! So if you've already suffered from Love in the past, you're safe!The effects of that attack are bound to last all your life". Nothing could be farther from the truth, nothing could be more ill-advised.
I can, however, offer you only a sliver of hope of recovery from these inevitable attacks. From recent experiences I have come to think of Love as a hermit crab. You see, like a hermit crab, Love needs a host, a heart to dwell in. Once settled in, it sets about working it's seemingly devious plan. Love attacks the nervous system of the host at just the right moment. A potent mixture of chemicals makes its way from this until-now dormant infiltrator's home (the heart) to the host's brain. Signals get frayed and pandemonium follows. And to what effect you might ask. And i will attempt to explain this in the best way I can. Do forgive me if i somehow fail to, after all, it is Love that I will be attempting to explain to you. An admittedly impossible task.
Love, for all it's over-bearing, over-powering persona does have this one primal need. Like nature's code for every creature on the planet, Love also is instinctively programmed to "go forth and multiply". This, Love achieves by literally brain-washing it's host to do it's bidding. And thus the host is compelled to begin it's quest for another like itself, a host, also with a Love-infested heart.
And the rest, as they say, is biology. Through the meeting of the hosts, Love achieves it's purpose. to multiply. You've of course heard of love growing and multiplying when two people come together. I think I may have managed to explain exactly how.
But for those of us not keen on having Love take possession of our hearts, i did promise to offer that sliver of hope. So then, what you need to please understand is, whether this works for you or not is pretty much out of your control. Nature will decide, not you. So when you are on that quest for another like you, there is just a chance, that the one you choose may decide not to join you. The Love in your heart may sense this and send your brain into over-drive, compelling you to ridiculous lengths to try to convince him or her any way you can to join you. But, if he or she still decides to reject your advances, the love that has held on to you will slowly loosen it's grasp. Because you see, Love needs to replicate itself. To fulfill that urge, it may go so far as to leave you completely for a while looking for greener pastures, nobody knows just how long, only to come back to reclaim what was once it's home.
And thus, there is a chance that even after Love conquers your heart, rejection may just drive it right back out.
But I do leave you this fair warning. In the past few weeks of my battles with Love, I have stumbled across what i think is Love's greatest ace in hand. You see, Love has it's own selection process. It will seek out hosts that are characteristically hopeful, the ones that are hopeful beyond hope. Because Love knows that in the face of rejection, hope is the only thing that will keep it alive and safe. The longer the host has hope, the longer will Love survive. Love's own contingency plan!!
You've got to Love it!!